Ian Giles


In 2007 the Travel Award enabled me to make a month long journey from Russia to China via Mongolia on the Trans Siberian and Trans Manchurian Railways. My time travelling allowed me to reflect on the development of my practise prior to my final year at Chelsea College of Art. During the trip I collected footage from the train, which I later developed, into a video-performance work.

Since graduating [2008] group exhibitions have included Caught In The Act, Chelsea Futurespace, London ; The Graduates, Battersea Arts Centre, London; Wallis Dies And Goes to Paradise, Paradise Row, London. Solo shows include: After Cravan, Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown, Wales. In 2009 I was selected by Franko B to take part in a 3 week residency at Academi di Belle Arti in Macerata, Marche, Italy.

Website: www.iangiles.net